To possess a rapidly running website, you should have a clean and well structured backend code. In the Hosting Control Panel, you’ll find a set of tools that will help you speed up your website’s overall performance without having to change anything in the back–end code. The Web Site Accelerators – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached will not only assist you to provide speedier loading rates to your visitors and consequently reduce site exit rates, but may also skyrocket your web site higher in the search engine ranking positions.

To make use of the Web Site Accelerators, simply just log in your Hosting Control Panel and make an instance for the accelerator you need the most.


RAM–caching as opposed to database calls

Assuming you have a data base–loaded site or web application, and database queries frequently decrease the efficiency, this can be really annoying to the web–site visitors and the web application users. Looking for a remedy normally can demand a considerable amount of time. Nonetheless, inside the Webpaz Hosting Control Panel, you will find there’s a remedy for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet effective distributed memory caching platform, that collects data and objects in the RAM. This way, the database–stored information on your web site does not need to be querried whenever a customer opens the identical page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative for HTTP requests

If you have content–loaded active sites with lot’s of visuals and also online videos, you’ll undoubtedly need to ensure that your pages load really fast for the visitors. A perfect instrument you may use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will help you quicken your web sites without requesting you to possess any specialized computing abilities.

Varnish saves all calls to the web server inside the server memory and ships the webpages easily to the website visitor by eliminating fresh calls for the web server. In this way, all pages on your site will be streamed 300 – 1000x times more speedily for your website visitors. You can even pick whether the arriving queries will be handled by Varnish, or by the web server, and so on.

Hepsia File Manager


An effective way to develop scalable web apps

If you’d like to produce an app, you ought to have the equipment you need accessible to you right away, without needing to seek out, assemble and have them installed. The Hosting Control Panel could help you save both money and time, by giving you the resources you may need right close to hand.

The Node.js tool helps web developers, no matter if they’re pros or otherwise, to develop adaptable network programs and web sites. It is in line with the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also the libUV. Node.js employs an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light–weight as well as reliable, great for data–intensive live web applications operating on distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager